Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Steam Whistle 12k Race Report.

The storms came in the night before.  The race was planned for 9AM but we had to postpone it until noon.   Fortunately the storm passed through town and it brought cooler temperatures. 

The race started promptly at noon.  Per normal, I started out too quickly.  I was in fourth place for the first mile but the top three were pulling away.  However, Terry soon passed me and he also started pulling away from me.

This is a hard 12k race.  The first half is slightly up hill.  I was hurting the entire out portion of the race.  My legs were hurting.  I could not wait for the turn around.  Although the effort was still hard the race felt easier on the return.  Mentally this race was hard on me.  I ran the entire race solo – I was in no man’s land (and there was some wind in the way out).  I did not have anyone to pace off.  In addition, the races that were ahead of me were just too fast.  I was not able to reel them in at all.  I knew that there were two racers about 30 seconds behind me and that kept me going.

Half way.

I was able to get a PR for the race by finishing the 12k in 49:19 (6:36 pace).  Last year was 49:38 (6:39 pace).  Of course I am pleased with a PR but I was really expecting more.  I have a lot of trouble at these shorter races (7.45 miles).  In comparison I was able to drop 2 minutes from my half marathon PR from last year (that is 9 seconds per mile).  But this race I only dropped 19 seconds.  A half marathon is only 9 more kilometers.  I wanted to drop somewhere around 12 seconds not a messily 3 seconds.  I finished 5th overall (6th last year) and 2nd in my age group (last year I got first).  I was able to maintain my place through the race.

Smaller pinecone this year.

Still, I am pleased that the PR streak continues.  I have another chance to test the waters next weekend at the First Light Half marathon in Mobile.


Matty O said...

Great job man! Solid pace for that one. I am sure that some of it was the bumping back of the race, that would mess with me a bit mentally and nutrition wise.

Way to pull this one off!

Pretend this is real said...

Hey... a PR is a PR. Still a great run even if you didn't shave off 12 seconds. You said yourself that it was a tough course. Great job!

Mike said...

Great race! Way to keep it up even when running in no man's land.

misszippy said...

Not the PR you wanted, but still a really nice one! Congrats!

Barbie said...

Congrats on an awesome effort

Caratunk Girl said...

Wow! The PR streak continues!! Awesome. Congrats on an awesome race. Nice Pinecone.