newPR = raceDistance x (PR_pace_seconds – paceReduction_Seconds)
Here is the proof:
curPR = 1:27:30So that was the plan for Sunday's First Light Half Marathon. Actually that has been the plan for all of my races. However, I have found a flaw in the equation. There is another variable which I will call raceConditions. This variable will be measured in seconds per mile and will consider the external (wind, rain, heat) as well as the internal (fatigue, taper, illness, injury) conditions specific to the race. In the past I have not had to adjust for conditions. I simply selected my races wisely and then counted on my increased running fitness to pull me through.
curPR = (87 * 60) + 30
curPR_in_seconds= 5250
raceDistance = 13.125
paceReduction_Seconds = 5
PR_pace_seconds = PR_in_seconds / raceDistance
newPR = raceDistance x (PR_pace_seconds – paceReduction_Seconds)
newPR = raceDistance x ((PR_in_seconds / raceDistance) – paceReduction_Seconds)
newPR = 13.125 x (400 – 5)
newPR = 13.125 x (395)
newPR = 5184.375
newPR = 5184.375 / 60
newPR = 1:26:24
For example if the race is windy I might need to give raceConditions a value of 3. The new formula:
newPR = raceDistance x (PR_pace_seconds – paceReduction_Seconds + raceConditions)
Maybe the proof should have looked like this:
newPR = 13.125 x (400 - 5 + 3)
newPR = 13.125 x (398)
newPR = 5223.75
newPR = 5223.75 / 60
newPR = 1:27: 03
Love this. Maybe because I am an engineer and a number nut... but yeah, those external and internal demons will put quite the multiplier on your intended goals.
Wow...that formula looks really complicated! :)
Ok, I totally flunked maths at school and saw this equation and got the cold shivers - but I did notice that your time was faster at the end, and that's cool.
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