Friday, March 4, 2011

Bloggers you should know

Cmon-Angels-Keep-Running-Keep-SmilingYou may already know these local Mississippi bloggers but I wanted to share.  These three blogger buddies are racing this weekend.  Ginny and Dawn are racing the Snickers Marathon in Georgia while Jen is running her first official ultra distance race, a 50k at the MS 50.
Check them out and look for their upcoming race reports!

ginnyHappy Feet 26.2 - I am a 40 something year old runner who still has big running dreams and goals, and a lot to say about that and other things, but mostly running/yoga/a healthy lifestyle, with the occasional "falling off the wagon" in the healthy eating part. 

Ginny and I have run together several times over the past couple of years.  She has dragged many of us across the finish line after rough runs.  She is always an inspiration!

jenThe Running Artist - I am an artist, runner, teacher, boater, originally from the NYC area, who now lives in Southern Mississippi. I am an associate professor at The University of Southern Mississippi and am the coordinator the the 3D Arts (Sculpture)Program at USM.

Jen and I got together first open water swimming and later taking swim lessons at the Payne Center.  We have also both visited several gallery openings at the USM campus.  Jen even threw me an oatmeal bowl for my birthday a couple of years ago!

dawn will run - i'm a single girl living in petal, mississippi. i work at my alma mater, the university of southern mississippi, in alumn affairs, and i get to work with the best alumni on the planet. i run a little, bike a little, teach a few spin classes, hit yoga when i can, and try to maintain some small amount of a social life. so far, life is good! this is my story of my attempts at running, the good and the bad. where running has taken me so far, and where it will take me. those places are all part of the journey to boston.
Dawn I am have known each other through a mutual ironman for the past couple of years.  We have recently been talking about Boston and what it will talk to get there!

Each of these bloggers will be running big this weekend.  I suggest you start checking them out for fantastic race reports detailing all of the highs and lows (it is going to be warm this weekend).
Good luck to all!


chris said...

I have had the honor to run with Ginny and Dawn a few times. Recently I did an 18 mile long run with Dawn and Terri Ward during their training for Snickers. Dawn is going to do wonderful tomorrow. This girl has so much passion for running. As for Ginny, we all know that she will do great, she always does!
Go get em girls!!!!

Jennifer said...

Thanks James! Your support over the years has been awesome and much appreciated! Maybe I need to make you a coffee mug to join the oatmeal bowl? Cheers!

Lindsay said...

is that you running with some of these blogger ladies? you run in jorts? :)