Saturday, March 5, 2011

WIR–March 05, 2011

Week in review -

This was not a stellar week but here goes -


SWIM – 1000 yards

BIKE – 66.3 miles

RUN – 23.6 miles

This was a week of highs and lows.  I am recovering from the crash.  However, there is still a lot of low grade pain.  It is like a tooth ache in my shoulder.  It does not hurt bad but it is constant and there are occasional spikes of very intense pain.


I got on the trainer a lot this week and had a couple of very successful rides.  The trainer has been good for me, once I get on the bike I brace myself in the aero bars and there is zero pain in the back or the shoulder.  I can just churn out the miles.  I have been doing several challenging sessions and having success.

I took the bike out on Thursday morning with the fast guys.  They were all on their TT bikes and stuff.  I could not hang – I turned back at Epley Road.  I was struggling to not get dropped with a couple of 26 MPH pulls.  When I dug deep that is when the body reacted.  Everything hurt.  The ride just got faster after I bailed.

On the running front I tested the legs.  Most runs were comfortable.  I did have one lunch run that was 5 miles @ just under 7 minute pace.  I felt strong.

Swimming is another story.  I hit the pool once.  I only swam 100 yards.  The pace was easy.  The shoulder was noticeable but it did not hurt – not until later that night.  Master’s Swim is off next week so that gives me a week before going back.

There were a lot of highs and lows and frustrations.  With Boston about 6 weeks away I need to add about 10 miles to the run each week for the next couple of weeks.  I want to enjoy the event.


JohnP said...

Dont fret getting dropped - you'll come around in no time. The fact your started int he first place is what matters - kudos!

misszippy said...

An easier week is probably just what you need right now to get where you need to be for Boston.

Caratunk Girl said...

Way to get out there post crash, personally I would have some mental healing to do as well so I wasn't freaked out. Like Zippy said, an easier week might be just what you need. Hope that shoulder feels better.

Matty O said...

Consider yourself lucky that the back doesn't act up on your trainer. That is usually a suffer-fest for me when my back is tweaked.

Well ramp up smart. You have a great base and I know you want to enjoy Boston. Don't push too hard too fast yet.

Your numbers are still better than mine haha!