Once again, no swimming was done.
The training plan called for a hilly run today. It had rained much of the night and the ground was wet this morning. There was also a light mist coming down. I decided to head to the gym and do my hill work on the treadmill. I have established a base line with the 'alpine trail' on the treadmill. It is a challenging workout. However, there is never any down hill on the treadmill -only less up hill.
Got to the gym at about 9:00AM and it was closed. Completely dark in there. I had assumed that the gym would be open on the weekends even though classes are still not in session. Well, you know what happens when you assume - sometimes you are wrong.
Ran my errands and by the time I got home the sun had started to peek through the clouds. Put on some old trail running shoes (I need a good pair of trail running shoes - yeah, like I need more shoes) and decided to run the only hills that are nearby - the mountain bike trails. It was fun but I was soaking wet and muddy and grimy almost immediately.
After about 12 minutes I made it to the circuit that I like to mountain bike on. It is hilly with several switch backs but pretty short. I ran the first lap and timed the effort (4 minutes). I took a 60 second rest interval and repeated. This time I clocked in 30 seconds faster - I was now reacquainted with the route. Again and 8 seconds faster than the previous. I did this a couple more times. The rain started to pick up and my glasses were fogged up. I headed home and called it a day with about 5 miles delivered. I would like to get just a little bit of seat time on the bike trainer this evening. We will see.
Long bike ride for tomorrow (4 1/2 hours) .
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