I had planned on another 4 + hour bike ride on Sunday but it was wet and raining outside. I knew that I could not ride the trainer or rollers for that long so I looked for more productive things to do. I decided it was time to do the bike maintenance - quick tune up of the drive train and true any out of whack wheels.

I got some warm sudsy water and went to town on each bike. I was a little embarrassed when I had all of the bikes together. There are only 2 people in the house, Jodie and I, and we have a total of six bikes. I have 2 road bikes (old and new) and a tri bike. Jodie has 2 road bikes (old and new) and a mountain bike. I want a mountain bike.
Anyway, lots of bikes to clean. Jodie's new road bike (new - three years old) had so much gunk in / on the cassette that I decide to remove it to get everything out. It was gross. I have been promised cookies for my efforts.


The sun decided to come out around noon. I loaded up on the tri bike to meet up with the group ride. It was still wet outside and a little chilly (I know 60 degrees is not cold). There were only about 6 people that showed up. As there was still a lot of puddles on the ground I decided to hang back a good deal - no drafting - no spray. Everyone except for Ben wanted to turn back at the 15 mile mark. Ben wanted to do about 50 miles. I did not really plan my nutrition for a ride that long - 2 gels and I actually ate one at the beginning of the ride because I was busy in the garage and did not eat a snack - oops.
We headed out towards Bassfield. Ben is in his forties and has been doing triathlons for his whole life. He actually promoted the 'Heritage Eagleman Triathlon' here in Hattiesburg and is a USAT triathlon official. I really enjoyed talking shop with someone with as much experience as Ben. As a side note, Ben is also doing the New Orleans 70.3 in April.
I stopped at a dumpy little tobacco / beer store in Bassfield to fuel up. Butterfingers were 2 for $1 - nom nom. I ended up getting 60 miles in just over 3 hours. No drafting at all and on the tri bike. I was pretty pleased that I have built up a comfort level on the tri bike so quickly this year. That first ride last month was such a killer to the quads and 'soft tissue'.
OK, that was dirty! I bet if you sold the old stuff you could get you a shiny new mountain bike!!! Craigslist was great for me on the bikes that were 'normal' in size. Sold straight away.
hey, six bikes, why stop there??? you GOTTA get a mountain bike! :-D
Six bikes, I can see that happening to me one day as well.
And man, that rear cassette was sure due for a cleaning. Must run so much better now
I am up to 3 now, just a baby family.
How do you like your Trinity? I am leaning towards that bike since I love my road Giant so much.
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