It is April and it was cold in Mississippi. I brought my arm skins to Ridgeland just in case it was cool in the morning. I never took them off. The Natchez Trace is beautiful! Lots of huge shade trees lining the road, cypress swamps and really nice smooth asphalt for about 35 miles out - then chip and seal. It is amazing the different in the riding surfaces. The vibration of the chip and seal really puts the fatigue in your body.

Jodie and I started the ride towards the back of the pack. There was the option of doing a 25, 50, 62 or 100 mile bike ride. We choose the full century. It was a long day in the saddle. My cardio system and muscles were fine. Other parts of the body started to suffer as the day went on. My hands were not used to being on handle bars for such a long ride - I really do appreciate the aero bars on the race bike. And my butt started to ache. I was standing up in the saddle every few miles just for relief.

This was a long easy effort. The race was well supported with a water / food station every 10 miles. I think I consumed more calories than I burned - they had cookies at the stations. We ended up stopping at miles 20, 40 , 50, 60 and 80 for water, snacks and bathroom breaks.
I am excited about getting back into a scheduled training routine. I have not decided exactly which training plan - I'm looking at either a half ironman bridge to ironman plan (only 12 weeks) or starting at the beginning of a plan dedicated to ironman. I'll have to look at the plans more closely - I do not want to lose any fitness.
On a side note - my softball team made the playoffs (all the teams did - they just seeded you in the bracket according to your record). I have a practice Monday night and our first playoff game on Tuesday. We are getting better but we are such a 'Bad News Bears' team.
Nice ride! I love centuries. I did one with Krispy Kremes at the aid stations! Did you consider using your tri bike at all from a comfort standpoint? I'm not sure I could do a century on a roadie at this point (unless I buy one of the really sweet new ones I have my eye on) :)
Other areas are MORE uncomfortable on the tri bike when the miles pick up.
This sounds like so much fun!
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