I went for a nice morning ride on Tuesday. I did not even wear the heart rate monitor. The ride was supposed to be steady and nothing hard. My legs were a little tired from the bike intervals two days prior but nothing major. The time off has really improved my training. My fatigue has been alleviated and my attitude has improved. There really is something to following the plan. 20 miles in an hour (Sumrall and back).
I got a quick swim in a lunch. Nothing major - I did a ladder 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 yards - easy stuff. However, I did each of these sets while breathing bilaterally. It is still not comfortable or completely natural but it is getting easier. I did these swim sets with Jim. It was nice to see him back at the gym. He seemed a little sheepish about rebuilding his fitness – Jim had taken much of the off season actually off due to school and a new baby. However, he said that he ran 12 and biked 30 over the weekend with a brick thrown in for good measure. I would say he is building his fitness back rather quickly.
I have decided to put in a little more time each week fine tuning my workout plan. This means scheduling the work outs were I need them and altering my off days to coincide with my race tapers. I am again looking forward to the season. Glad to be back on track.
Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre o Brasil e nossa luta contra o comunismo. Abração
Nice work on the bilateral breathing, that is something I have yet to master and the further I get into IM training, the less time I have to even try it. So frustrating!
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