I have been slacking again. Just not working the plan.
Instead, I have been playing games – Racquet Ball (say that like NEWMAN). I have played racquet ball almost every day this week. Sure it has been fun and I dominate like nobodies business but it is just a dang game. It really is just exercise. It will not improving my running, biking or swimming. Sure, I enjoy destroying and humiliating my co-workers on the court but I am only hurting myself.
I have a half marathon at the end of this month but it not an A race. But it is a benchmark race. You see, I will use this race to see where I am in my running and base my paces off of this race. I believe that I can be successful in this race (PR) but I have not trained effectively for it.
However, today my racquet cohorts were occupied and this worked out for the better. I went for a 6 mile run at lunch with Chad. The weather was beautiful and it was good to get outside. We started out easy and I pushed the pace – just a little bit. Each mile was progressively faster. It felt good.
I am on Day 1 of kicking the racquet ball habit.
consider it cross-training and don't beat yourself up to much about it. Maybe the body needed a little rest and participating in a competitive sport still kept your confidence high and your competitive spirit going.
Racquetball was always a challenge for me. I'd definitely consider that a workout. Besides, we need a break from all our traditional exercise sometimes!
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