Monday, December 13, 2010

Running for breakfast

The temperature was in the low 50’s on Saturday. The group road bike ride was starting at 10AM. I wanted a few running miles before holding a wheel in the cool weather. I was planning on an easy 6 miles. At Clyde Station I ran into a Kevin. Kevin and I did NO70.3 together last year. I decided to grab a few miles with him. We chatted about training and upcoming races. The Mardi gras marathon will be Kevin’s first full marathon.

At about 4 miles into the run I ran into Sam, Robin, Dan and Steve. They were working on the tail end of a 10 mile run. I jumped on with them. There was more training and running talk. I knew that I was going to miss the group ride but I was okay with that.

We ended up at Sam’s house where he treated us to eggs, bacon, pancakes and coffee. It was such a get together. Believe it or not I did not eat too much – I still had to run home. We sat and talked for a while and then I headed home. I ended up with 11 miles for the morning.
Sunday I wanted to do my hard, long weekend run. The weather turned much cooler and the wind really picked up. I started out and wanted to turn back after the first quarter mile. I was cold and the wind was burning my face. For you Northern people- it was only like 45 degrees but I was cold. I persevered and got 12 miles for the morning – none of them fast. It was a comfortable run and I averaged right around 7:30 pace.

Just after lunch I met up with the guys for a mountain bike ride. There was a group road bike ride taking place at the same time but the cold temperatures and wind kept me away. An hour on the mountain bike friends proved just about right.

For the week, I ended up with 51 miles running and close to 3 hours on the bike.


TRI714 said...

good miles.

Caratunk Girl said...

I am so jealous that you just "run" into folks on the run. I see moose sometimes. Ha. So awesome, sounds like an awesome training week!

misszippy said...

Nice mileage and a great way to get it in on Saturday! And no, I'm not feeling you on the weather!

Jon said...

Nice all around! Running after bacon? I will pass on drafting you ;)

Triathlete23 said...

You should record your results and training with this brand new application. Definitely the best one i have seen.

220 TriLog for the iPhone!