Saturday, January 1, 2011

TRX planks and Happy New Year

The Steam Whistle 12K has been rain delayed until noon.  I drove down to Jackson Station and put up some postponed signs early this morning – I have been up a while.  However, it looks like the storms have passed and they have brought cooler weather.  The race conditions are starting to look favorable.

I have always kept abdominal exercises in my strength training plan.  I have down the P90X abs cruncher routines and they are challenging.  When it comes to planks I am pretty good.  I can do several sets and hold them for about 90 seconds or so.  They really light up the core.  Since I have been playing with the TRX I have been humbled regarding my core strength.  With the unstabilizing nature of the TRX all of my strength goes out the door.  Take a look (I realize that my butt is too high – something I need to work on).


Lance said...

I am with you on the TRX side planks. Very humbling.

Kathleen said...

I have a TRX in my basement. I need to use it more. It is really tough!

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Happy New Years!!!

Aimee said...

Great video! The TRX ones look so tough!!

Happy Feet 26.2 said...

If you are struggling to do it, I have NO hope.

are you saying 1 mile per wk avg. biking is not enough??? Ha Ha!

lindsay said...

WOW. that is ridic. yeah i can't do those very well on the floor, i know i could not do them with my feet in the straps!