It has been a crazy spring. The heat got turned up to high for a couple of weeks and then it was shut off for a week. On Tuesday I rode outside early (5:45AM) and want to do two sets of the Time Trial course at about 85 – 90 percent all out. The temperature was in the forties. I had to dig out my legs skins, a long sleeved undershirt and a pair of gloves. I refused to put neoprene booties on my shoes. The first set went okay but I bailed on the second. My feet were freezing. Fail due to cold.
On Thursday I was running half mile repeats at a very fast effort. The effort I usually run them in during the winter. The previous week I had been successful running 4 repeats. This week I wanted 6. I went out a little fast (just a few seconds). I wilted to the high heat and humidity. By the fourth set I was toast. The weather added more than enough intensity for the day.
The heat is now back on full blast and I suspect that we will not get a reprieve until fall!
We better get used to it! (heat acclimation)
I can't believe you are having our crappy weather too. At least it isn't still pouring rain every day for you like it is here. I swore to never ride in the rain when I bought my bike... this year I have done it 3 times already... downpour rain where you can't even see the potholes.
This sucks haha.
Can we have some more of your heat please?
I think the weather must suck everywhere this year. I have a lot of friends who are sick from the constant changing temps.
I have been running at 5:00 AM for a few weeks now and the past few days have felt just like noon heat. And it's only May! Hint, run through downtown, there are several nice cool fountains to get wet at.
It is here to stay now dude! It hit us on Friday and probably won't leave until like November!
yeah i was kind of irritated that those almost-two-weeks of cooler temps were during my marathon taper/recovery!!
oh well. i kind of like running in the summer... kinda.
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