Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Movember 1st

Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your beards!
I missed the kick off for Movember last year. I was in flight from the US to AU. I left on Halloween and landed on Nov 02. Where did the day go? You got me. I still don’t understand how those planes fly at all. The week after I landed the engines started falling off of the A380 (the two story, biggest commercial plane in the world). I still don’t understand how they stay up in the air.
Movember was started in Australia to raise awareness and money for men’s related health issues. You can donate money to an individual, a team or to the Movember cause itself. Funds raised benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation, LIVESTRONG, and the Movember Foundation.
I will be posting photo updates throughout the month. If you would like to join my team (Hub City Mo) or make a donation please visit my Mo Space - http://mobro.co/HubCity (visit just to see day 01 of Movember – not a pretty picture).


dawn said...

i'm picturing a nice handlebar by the end of the month! would be fitting - you being a cyclist and all.