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Triathlon Club – First Meeting Tonight and the Keg and Barrel - 6PM - follow us on Twitter - Click Here
There is a buzz in the air about the first ever triathlon club meeting. Once again, it will be more of a meet and greet to understand what people want in a club and what they are willing to do for the club. I have I been in a number of clubs and organizations and it almost always the 20 / 80 rule (or even less). 20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work. I would like for our club to me much more of a community! I am going to bring my ideas and I hope that everyone brings their ideas. We have a special group here in Hattiesburg and I think great things can happen!
On Wednesday I rode into work and ran into a number of people on the ride. It was a comfortable pace and I enjoyed the conversation. I jumped in the pool for a few laps. And it was just a few – I was running late. In addition, I have not been in the pool much and my swim fitness is all but gone. I am excited about Master’s Swim starting up next month. Butch has been giving a group of us grief about our lack of swim fitness and is telling us to get back in the water now so that we don’t have to spend a month getting up to speed. He is right – it is like having to straighten up the house before the maid shows up!
At lunch the STADIUMS loomed overhead. I was tempted to skip the workout but I got the best of me. I cranked down the interval time. My previous best was intervals on 1 minute 30. That makes 20 reps in 30 minutes. I only dropped of 5 seconds but that coupled with the heat – mid 90’s and heat index of 104, it was grueling. After about 12 reps I really started to feel it. I thought I was going to throw up several times. However, I was able to keep the intensity and I completed 21 reps! This was by far the hardest STADIUMS that I have ever done!
After work I was planning on doing the Wednesday Night
You get the BADA$$ award for not only doing those stadiums but also doing those stadiums in that heat!
man... you are a glutton for punishment huh?
Keep on pushing yourself man, you are putting up some great workouts!
Absolutely intense. Well done.
And I would love to Enter the RoadId comp but sadly i am not in the states. Goodluck to whomever wins this.
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