Friday, July 15, 2011

Video Run analysis–take 1

Recently I have been playing with a video camera.  I wanted to take a look at my running form – gait, stride, etc.  I thought, what better place than the football stadium.  I knew it would flat and smooth.  Even more important I knew that it would have straight lines.

Take a look below:

You should watch this in YouTube at high quality.  Sorry, it is a long video (3 minutes).

I though that I was much more of a fore foot striker.  Looking at the video I see that I am a mid foot striker.  There are also a few imbalances that I need to address.

Your comments are welcome.


RW said...

I would love to hear more about your analysis of this video. I notice your pronation (slightly more on right foot?) and how close together your feet are landing to the midline (particularly on the going away shot). This is super informative and makes me want to do something similar. I would also love to hear more about the steps you are considering taking to make (small) changes to your form. Thanks, great video!!

Jennifer said...

I saw the slight pronation of your right foot too, especially during the "going away" shot. Very slight... Your upper body posture looks great from both sides, I though, just enough forward to keep that nice mid-foot strike. Funny you showed this. I talked with Ginny about getting a group together to do this, but I never got around to it.

Nelly said...

I noticed that your right foot rolled more than your left foot just like the girls above. I have no idea on what form should be or what shoes people should be in, so I'll just read the comments that people have on this!

Kurt @ Becoming An Ironman said...

Man, and I thought I was going to have something informative to say. Everyone already clued into it above. I noticed more on the running towards shots though; you can see your foot/leg almost "click" into place once your outer foot touches down.

I've felt like I do that exact thing but haven't been able to tape it to see yet (my camera conveniently broke before I could).

Living The Tri Life said...

What shoes are you wearing? Neutral?

Living The Tri Life said...

I've shared your video and asked a friend of mine an owner of a RunOn store in Texas to analyze your foot strike.

Anonymous said...

Wow, really interesting video and I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts and approach to fixing the issues you saw.

Tri-James said...

I did the video for fun - I don't have any real running 'issues'. The shoes are ASICS 2150's but I generally wear a cushioned neutral shoe.

cpainerun said...

A couple things- check out the asymmetry in your hip/pelvic stabilizers (glut med and deep hip rotators, piriformis) which may be contributing to the quicker pronation on the right foot. Overall it is a pretty good stride, since you are wearing a neutral shoe, not quite as important, but you may want to do a side by side comparison running barefoot, especially since you have a nice, safe surface to run on. Barefoot will show a truer sense of biomechanics, which may be more helpful to you since you do try a lot of different types of shoes and lightweight racing flats will mimic closer to the barefoot than the trainers.